Nothing beats catching the twinkle of gorgeous, glossy hair in the mirror. Perfect hair with ultimate illumination, the envy of many. If it's glossier, healthy-looking hair you're after then follow these steps for a little glow up top!
Start by eliminating the excess buildup on your hair caused by your products – this is what’s blocking your shine! Add a Clarifying shampoo to your regime and use it once a week, it will remove the buildup without harming your colour. Trust us, your hair will be gleaming in no time!
Cooler weather is particularly damaging to our hair, no moisture in the air causes cracks in the hair follicle, hence the frizz and dullness :( Treat your hair like your skin and pump it full of moisture! Use a moisturizing mask once a week or treatments as often as you need. This will do the trick.
An invigorating wakeup call! Ok, this doesn’t sound like something we want to be doing in winter but cool water helps seal hair cuticles after you wash, resulting in shinier hair. Just a few second rinse at the end of your shower will be worth it. Plus, cool water keeps your colour fresher for longer too!
We love a face oil, why not treat your hair?! Hair oils repair and moisturize from the outside in – we recommend something lightweight to add that sheen without the greasiness.
Work with what you’ve got - brushing your hair distributes natural oils from your scalp down.
Turn the heat down low! A super hot hairdryer causes breakage and frizz, so, turn it down and brush to smooth it out from the root to ends.
Tip: Give your hair a quick once over with the hairdryer before you take to it with a brush, hair is most vulnerable when it’s wet.

The name says it all. Spritz your locks with a shine spray for a satin glow and silky finish! Not only will your hair be glossy and frizz-free, but these sprays are sweet-scented, lightweight and nourishing.
Always remember that your diet is just as important as your shampoo & conditioner. Load up on Iron-rich foods, vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids to support shiny hair growth. Last week we suggested some awesome in-season whole foods to your grocery list this winter – check them out here.