By Kiekie Stanners
The magic of flowers has been around forever, providing both a feel good factor but also unique spiritual and high-vibrational benefits.
The blooming abundance of flowers has profound health benefits for human beings. Just being in proximity of plants or a beautiful bunch of flowers has shown to reduce stress, speed healing, enhance concentration and improve mood. Not only are they lovely to gift, but there is a reason why hospital rooms are brightened by bunches, proven to have better health outcomes for the patient.
In Japan, the practise of Shinrin-Yoku means to forest bath or to take in the atmosphere of a forest environment to lower stress. It has been proven that this practise lowers cortisol in the body, compared to time out in a city environment.
Each flower on our planet contains unique and special medicine, not only to brighten our day but can influence us on a soul-level. They reflect the landscapes in which they grow, and can even provide the right ailment for the community that they surround.
Below see the greatest flower remedies for emotion and physical healing.
The Queen of Flowers, the symbol of love and beauty and a fragrance that can instantly be healing to the heart, the rose petal essence can be made into tinctures or oils to assist digestive discomfort. The flowers antioxidant properties support skin health, and the rose essence is an invaluable support for grief, heartache and trauma. It is said that you can literally feel the healing of wounds, with joy and life coming back to the heart.
The lavender flower represents purity, grace and calmness. The colour is also associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy centre associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity. The essential oil is often used to induce sleep and potentially ward off bad dreams! Scientific research has shown that lavender is one of the most effective and healthy choices for treating anxiety - increased happiness hormones by up to ten times!
The stubborn garden weed that also doubles as a highly nutritious edible flower. The name comes from the Latin Dens Leonis, translated to mean lion’s teeth - describing the tooth-like leaves on the plant that the English changed into the name Dandelion. I like the idea that the tiny little yellow flower resembles a lion’s mane.
Every part of this weed is edible - roots, stems and leaves and are more nutritious than most of your vegetables in your garden, healing ailments large and small: baldness, dandruff, toothache, sores, fevers, rotting gums, lethargy and depression. Eating the flowers and leaves straight in a summer salad might be your answer to your 2024 health, or steeping the roots into a digestive dandelion tea.
The vibrant yellow and orange calendula flower has a history of medicinal use from both the east and west. Traditionally used to treat stomach upsets and swollen glands, research has shown that the flower can actually heal topical wounds faster, possibly by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected area, which helps the body grow new tissue.
The bright and beautiful pink/red and yellow hibiscus flower: sometimes a symbolism of Pasifika, where it serves as an image of beauty, femininity and young love, the icon of Hawaiian culture and the aloha spirit, and also the flower of Hindu goddess Kali - depicting an offering to the goddess by way of it’s natural beauty. However hibiscus also has healthy hair claims. Loaded with Vitamin C, A, iron and antioxidants, it is said to help hair loss and prevent baldness.
One particular of interest claim is the management of greying hair. By extracting the hibiscus juice by crushing the petals, mixed with a little water and added to a carrier such as coconut oil, the paste of the flower to said to darken hair colour when left on as a treatment mask.
The pretty little honeysuckle flower, which Bach described as an emotional healer for ’those that live too much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had’!
The remedy? Pluck the honeysuckle flower at the base to contain the nectar and brew into a tea to ‘learn from and recall the past without having to live it’. Sounds fab. The honeysuckle is also packed with anti-inflammatory properties, basically any kind of skin irritation can be treated with the Japanese honeysuckle extract.
The delicate Violet flower has long been associated with death and resurrection, with the essence helping alleviate mindsets potentially brought on by other people’s energy. In Greek mythology violet is said to be Artemis’ nymph who was transformed into this flower to secure her.
A violet flower remedy is for people who like to be alone and can appear aloof or proud.The remedy is said to help them feel more connected and open up to others, making it easier for them to socialise. Perhaps a perfect post-covid resolution if you feel you’ve lost your social skills this festive season.
Cherry Plum
The Cherry Plum flower is the gift of spiritual surrender, and being protected by a higher power despite possible extreme stress. The gentle Cherry Plum flower is for fear of losing control, and is especially helpful for finding mental clarity in the midst of chaotic moments.
This essence was one of the 38 plant and flower botanicals to be discovered by Dr Edward Bach as a high potency essence to assist in emotional wellbeing, and one of the ingredients of Rescue Remedy that is often used for acute shock and trauma.