1965 Miss Dolly, 19 years old. The pure and simple days, with sky high hair of course.

Late 60's (above)
You can see Dolly's iconic look starting to take shape.
1977 (left)
Since 1972, Dolly has famously worn wigs every day, and this is why she's never had a bad hair day, only a BIG hair day! "It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world"

Dolly tightened it up and went for a more spherical look. This wig makes many appearances over the years.

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven because you look like an angel!

1980's (above)
“Big hair. Big hoops. Big smile. If you're gonna do it, you might as well go big. Right, y'all?". That's right, Dolly!
1989 (left)
"People always ask me how long it takes me to do my hair. I don't know, I'm never there!"

Goodbye tight perm and hello loose curls and feathered fringe, welcome to the 90's.

Curls dropped and straight hair was trending in the mid 90's. Dolly got the memo and added a cute half-pony updo with a sweeping fringe to complete her look.

The early 2000's were a time. A time for side fringes, twisty bits and butterfly clips.

Up close and personal, perfectly formed loose curls and modest volume.

2020 At the Grammy's.
Dolly on being ageless and priceless: "If I see something sagging, dragging or bagging, I get it sucked, tucked or plucked. It takes a lot of money to look as cheap as I look."