A really good movie-hair look has the singular power to inspire and explode a new wave of style. It can be instantly iconic or it can be a slow burn to becoming legendary. Either way, movie-hair leaps from the screen and into our lives, influencing generation after generation and into eternity. We’ve assembled some of our fave movie-hair ever for your viewing pleasure! PS. Our fave looks also double as a must-see movie playlist, you’re welcome :)

Scarface - Elvira Hancock - Michelle Pfeiffer

The Passenger - Girl - Maria Schneider

The Fifth Element - Leeloo - Milla Jovovich

The Royal Tenenbaums - Margot Tenenbaum - Gwyneth Paltrow

Breathless - Patricia Franchini - Jean Seberg

Splash - Madison - Daryl Hannah

Midsommar - Dani - Florence Pugh

The Old Guard - Andy - Charlize Theron

Romeo and Juliet - Juliet - Clare Danes

Ghost - Molly Jensen - Demi Moore

Subway - Fred - Christopher Lambert

Reality Bites - Lelaina Pierce - Winona Ryder

Brown Girl Begins - TI Jeanne - Mouna Traore

Blue Is The Warmest Color - Emma - Lea Seydoux

Poetic Justice - Justice - Janet Jackson

High Art - Lucy Berliner - Ally Sheedy

Control - Ian Curtis - Sam Riley

Us - Red - Lupita Nyongo

Basic Instinct - Catherine Trammel - Sharon Stone

The Wolfpack - The Angulo Brothers

Chungking Express - Faye - Faye Wong

Atlantics - Ada - Mame Bineta Sané

Hackers - Kate Libby - Angelina Jolie

The Matador - Julian Noble - Pierce Brosnan