Razor-sharp eyebrows, lined lips and a matte complexion. It's a 90s renaissance and we have front-row tickets.

Rose McGowan
By Tara Young
While Gen-X might be quivering at the thought of plucked-to-oblivion eyebrows that never grew back on their own and the memories of applying eyeliner on eyeliner, day after day, be rest assured that Gen-Z is way better at makeup.
Do a deep dive into TikTok and you'll come across pockets of niche trends with a 90s edge; Grunge, Rockstar girlfriend, dirty girl, succubus chic, ghoulish, goth. These are the "Clean Girl" aesthetic's darker, moody sisters, rebelling against mainstream beauty standards in favour of bad habits, dirty hair and slept-in makeup. It adds some drama to more traditional glam and TBH, skinny brows are hot.

Giving credit to our founding mothers of the looks we reference today; Angelina Jolie, Courtney Love and Pamela Anderson, and the likes of Winona Ryder, Drew Barrymore, and Kim Gordon who paved the way for the current iterations of grunge and glamour, tiny brows, slicked black hair and big blonde rootsy looks we see before us.

Angelina Jolie
We're channelling ultimate 90s bad girl Angelina Jolie, specifically in her blood vial era, deadly and seductive. The brief: Matte complexion and neutral colours. Diffused soft pastel blush, tightlined eyes and a satin lip with darker hue liner. Hair is dark and natural with added texture and a bit of grip. Are we ready to be done with dewy skin?

Courtney Love
Doll eyes, doll mouth, doll legs. Courtney Love is the grunge beauty queen with her signature blurred red pout and platinum messy hair. In favour of powdery matte skin and texturized bed hair with dark roots, the central focus here is the juicy red lip. The only highlight used in this era was over the brow bone, so don’t forget that. It's old Hollywood glam meets rock 'n' roll, cute but psycho.

Pamela Anderson
It's a skinny-brow comeback and Pamela Anderson is our muse. #PAMCORE is slightly softer than her dark, grungy counterparts above, with her box-blonde messy updo, smoky eyes, shimmer and frosted lips. The look is all about bombshell hair and that 90s glam Pamela Anderson perfected. So whether your mood is Baywatch Pamela or Barbwire Pamela, she's versatile either way.